RPA Market Trend In China

1 min readJul 23, 2020

The global robotic process automation (RPA) market has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. In China, the market is still nascent, but has drawn a lot of attention since 2019.

The RPA market in China is rising. Our research reveals trends, challenges and opportunities in the market and how vendors bu

Startups (Encoo, Laiye and Cyclone) and existing large tech companies (Alibaba, JD.com and Huawei) are all focusing on this emerging market. The market is growing in a period after the hype of AI, so that vendors know how to leverage intelligence from day one. Many solutions are built as intelligent automation (RPA+AI) in the early roadmap.

This intense competition provides customers more options, as well as challenges on best ways to practice and operate RPA programs at scale. Check my recent post “Learn The Key RPA Trends In China” to understand the market trend.




An analyst covering emerging technologies. Recently focus on AI and RPA. Feel free to share your vertical emerging tech strategies in comments or twitter :)